Guest blog: The Power of Youth

Guest blog by Amber Knowles, Service User Involvement Officer at Ormiston Families. Amber is also the co-chair of Our Voices, the young people’s advisory group for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough.

Our Voices young people’s meeting, January 2023

Today is Power of Youth Day, where we appreciate the remarkable young people involved in social action.

In celebration of Volunteers' Week and the 10th anniversary of the #iwill movement which showcases the Power of Youth social action, I wanted to highlight the outstanding work of Our Voices – a Young People's Mental Health Advisory Group.

Many of the Our Voices group are mental health advocates in their schools/colleges and have actively supported YOUnited in their decision-making. From improving waiting list letters to securing funding for a mental health toolkit for Cambridgeshire schools, they're making a  difference in the lives of young people through their contribution to the mental health and wellbeing sector in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

For more details on the incredible achievements of Our Voices, I encourage you to read the project report for 2022/23. It showcases their journey and highlights their amazing efforts to promote mental health awareness and support among their peers.

To stay updated and inspired by their ongoing work, follow them on Instagram at @our_voices_yp. Let's continue to support and empower young people to create a better future for all.

Read the Our Voices project report for 2022/23.

Eva Acs